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Friday, July 23, 2010

Not so big!

I see Jesus as my number 1 hero :) Do you know anyone that would willingly die for you in such a cruel way? He died because God asked him to :D That takes some serious guts.

The other day, my mom showed me an email. This picture was in the email and it shows every single galaxy that we have discovered or viewed so far.
The Milky Way galaxy is not visible on that photo :o That is how small we are.The galaxies that you can see are some of the biggest. The blank spaces show tiny galaxies such as ours.
When I first saw that i thought: "Yow!!" Our problems are like specs. Not even. The earth is like a spec and on this photo, so is our galaxy. we are not big. We are tiny. now think of this. God made all that. So just think how incredibly big He must be :) He can do anything! So don't tell God how big your problems are, tell your problems how big your God is! ^-^