And in the News Today:
Okay :) I am going to give an update on my life. These updates go according to recentness (?Is that a word?) Sorry, I am just trying to inform you because I might do this more often ;)
Today, Miss LaughsAlot fractured a bone in her arm :( I am hoping that she can still play on Saturday! Because after the match we are going to visit my niece =D
We are playing a netball match on Saturday against my old school :)
My grandpa is in the hospital because he has gout (cant spell that). And now one of the pumps in his body infected and he had to go from ICU to the theater :(
My dad has gone to visit him at the the private hospital, 2hrs from where my grandparents live and about 5 hours from where we live.
My dog is turning 100 in 2 and a half months time. It is in dog years though. Or else we would've been in the Guiness Book of Records like, a1000 times ;)
My teachers are giving us 4 projects for the same day :( I got 16/16 for tech!
That's it so far! OMW..what a week ^_^