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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

High School :)


Today was the enrollment day at high school. To be honest I was scared..I thought what if they ask things like "What do you want to become?" (Marine Biologist or Author) or "Why are you in sport clothes??" (had a netball match). I was nervous, what if they didn't accept me? That would feel bad.

So, to be honest, I am scared of high school. The code of conduct is enough to make me shiver. I mean, we had the EXACT same one in primary but then, of course, I never read because I couldn't read  yet. I obey rules. I really do. But the way they put it in that book! Like if you wear white in your hair and it isn't blonde, they are going to kill you or something :| My mom says that high school is WAY better than primary. Lets hope so! So far I only like the lockers and the classes..I am probably going to be in the B section because my average is only 73% ...:| Ooooohhh the freaking out of high school!! Anyways the uniform is quite cool too :) At least I will be with friends..=P That makes me feel a lot better :) OK then..only 5 months until I get tortured by the grade 12's!! Save us...

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Pumpkin Patch News :)

 And in the News Today:

Okay :) I am going to give an update on my life. These updates go according to recentness (?Is that a word?) Sorry, I am just trying to inform you because I might do this more often ;)

Today, Miss LaughsAlot fractured a bone in her arm :( I am hoping that she can still play on Saturday! Because after the match we are going to visit my niece =D

We are playing a netball match on Saturday against my old school :)

My grandpa is in the hospital because he has gout (cant spell that). And now one of the pumps in his body infected and he had to go from ICU to the theater :(

My dad has gone to visit him at the the private hospital, 2hrs from where my grandparents live and about 5 hours from where we live.

My dog is turning 100 in 2 and a half months time. It is in dog years though. Or else we would've been in the Guiness Book of Records like, a1000 times ;)

My teachers are giving us 4 projects for the same day :( I got 16/16 for tech!

That's it so far! OMW..what a week ^_^

Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Hillsong Conference DVD .

I don't know how many people have watched this DVD, but the Hillsong Conference DVD is truly life-changing. In the beginning when the guy talks he states that it doesn't matter who you are or what you have, it is all about the glory of God. And it is. It doesn't matter that you have a phone or an iPod or a laptop or even a huge house. God doesn't care about these things. And neither should we.

If we didn't have God we would be nothing. We are nothing without Him. He is our everything and our all. I don't want to imagine what the world would be like without Him. We need to keep close to God because He loves us more than anything. It is the least we can do. And I mean the least. Sitting here, listening to this DVD, I am realising that we are just specs. God is amazing and there are absolutely NO words to describe Him.

You can't write how amazing He is in words. It would take forever, literally. What strikes me is that we don't appreciate what we have and who we have. God gives us all these things on earth like family and friends and nature. Do we care for them all the time? No we don't. We get mean to people, we litter and we fight.This guy is saying that we need support. He uses the ark as an example. They must have gotten in each others hair in that boat. But you know something?? They learnt to love each other. They learnt to support each other. This guy said that taking away someones weakness is robbing them from their strength.

Right now I wish I could preach like that man but I have more talent in writing these things to millions of people than to say it to them. I think people should study their Bibles more. You can never know the Bible by heart. For the rest of your life if you think you know it off by heart, you are only going to go back to it and find that there was something that you missed and you will only get a new perspective on life. That's how things work.

Sometimes I get the urge to just go out there and tell the world, Christian and non-christian, what I feel about God. I wanna get it out of me and explain how amazing God is in front of millions of people but...two words...stage fright..hahaha! (I love acting but then, that isn't in front of millions of people- only on the big screen) I want to go out and sing to people because I just want to worship God. What could be better?

God is the best  friend we all thought we could never have. He loves us and wants us to be open with Him. Even though He knows what is wrong already, I am pretty sure He likes it when we run to Him and tell Him everything. It amazes me that he watches every single one of us all the time. It seems nearly impossible. But it's true.

To close this post, I want to remind all of you that there is a purpose for everything in life and that what ever happens to you is for a purpose and it is part of Gods plan :) Always remember: God is always going to love you no matter what. So go out there today and show people the talents He has given you. Show them that God loves you!! And them!!
P.S: The guy is T.D Jakes :) Sorry, only figured that out now :D

Friday, July 23, 2010

Not so big!

I see Jesus as my number 1 hero :) Do you know anyone that would willingly die for you in such a cruel way? He died because God asked him to :D That takes some serious guts.

The other day, my mom showed me an email. This picture was in the email and it shows every single galaxy that we have discovered or viewed so far.
The Milky Way galaxy is not visible on that photo :o That is how small we are.The galaxies that you can see are some of the biggest. The blank spaces show tiny galaxies such as ours.
When I first saw that i thought: "Yow!!" Our problems are like specs. Not even. The earth is like a spec and on this photo, so is our galaxy. we are not big. We are tiny. now think of this. God made all that. So just think how incredibly big He must be :) He can do anything! So don't tell God how big your problems are, tell your problems how big your God is! ^-^

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Stupid thing! It cut off the last post because there was a photo with it that couldn't upload!

Sporty Chic:
She is a good friend and she is incredibly funny!! It looks like she doesn't try to be but she is :) She loves hockey to and we know that she will always stay loyal to her friends :) She will stick by us through thick and thin ^-^

My friends :) They're special ^-^ Don't hurt them :D


When I first read this I thought: "Oh my word!! That's so true!" And it is :) I mean, what would we do without our friends? Try going around at school on your own for one day. It's horrible!

I am going to introduce you to my current everyday friends :) And when i say 'current' I mean: right now but probably forever ;) Here goes: (not in specific order)

Miss LaughAlot: 
Always making me laugh which is great because she lightens up any day! She is one of those people that you look at and then start laughing :) Not in a bad way, just because she has such a lovable personality ^-^

 Horsey Freak:
And honestly, I mean it :) The deputy head girl is one of those people who wouldn't try to hurt someone or be angry for the world :) It is a wonderful personality-trait to have :) And she is the one who was nice to me from the start ^-^

Karate Kid:
She is the type of person that you can always trust :) What makes that so good is that so many people trust her and she can actually keep up with it all :) Always willing to laugh and she makes good puns  ^-^ 

Is that how you spell goalie? I'm not sure..? Anyways, she always stands up for me and she is there when anyone needs her:) Also, she is the best hockey goalie on the planet and apparently wants me to start kick-boxing with her..Aaaaaaw! We love you anyway! Oh and she is my Guitar-Fwendy!

"Friends are the family we choose ourselves"
Love you my friends!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Making Pizza

Piiiizzzzaaaa :)

Last night, my friends and I made pizza. Well, I wouldn't exactly call it that but surprisingly, it was very yummy!
The first problem that we had was to make the dough round. It was a big fight in the supermarket to decide whether we should actually make the base ourselves or buy a ready-made one. (Sigh..) It was 2 against 1 but the 1 (!!) won. Did you get that? Anyway, we had to make the base.
Then we needed ingrediants..One of my friends wanted chicken but the rest of us wanted ham. So, we settled for chicken-ham :) Guess what came next?? CHEESE. Was there too little or maybe too much? Do we need exoensive ones or cheap ones. Do you want to see how clever we are? (once again) We decided on one big, expensive cheese and one small, cheap one :) hahaha :)
Next came tomatoes and then pudding. We had a budget that we surprsisngly kept. And we even had enough for Eclairs :)
Thanks for the sums Crazy One :)

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Hey Everyone! Feel free to pet, feed or play with my virtual pet :)

Monday, July 12, 2010

The new trendy colour (?)

I walked into a salon this morning with my mom and I noticed that everyone in the salon was either dressed in full black or mostly black. Ok, I know that it's a salon and they dont want to get their clothes dirty. And I'll admit that I was wearing black boots and my leggings were partly black. But why?

Black is slimming and it looks good on a lot of people. Yet, I still dont see the point in wearing so much of it. Here is a scenario :) (Not real)

A girl walks in the mall and she wears only black. The cashiers notice and say: "She looks quite nice." The next day the same thing. But by the end of the week, she looks boring and the cashiers are thinking: "Uh-uh..."
You get people that wear A LOT of pink. As in pink ONLY ;) That is'nt bad. Yet it  gives the outfit an over-the-top look. You know? In fact, it is not only black clothes. Any color worn too much looks a bit silly after a while :)

So why not mix 'n match colors and be bright and airy? It makes a huge difference ^-^

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Exhausting but Fun Times

MY Really Special Holiday :)

Well, this holiday was seriously fun. We went to really beautiful places and saw some of our family. This is ALWAYS fun. I have a such an interesting family, that it's hard not to be. We are always full of jokes and laughs and giggles. I feel that, that is what a family should be.

The 1st week we stayed at home mostly. I got my hair cut in a horrible layered cut :( Hahaha but it didn't look too bad at first.
I read a lot of books and watched lots of movies!

When the second week approached, we were packed up and ready to go visit some ostriches! Before we decided to stop at my Grandparents house first. We ate loads and watched lots of TV (?!) there. Then we headed off to the osriches. I got an 'Ostrich Drivers Licence' :) This is a big achievement for me :-D (Also very scary and fast). I learnt a big load of things about ostriches! Breeding, feathers, food, eggs and species.

Next, we went to --drum roll please-- the ZOO!! While my Mom took pictures, my Dad and I played with.....BABY CHEETAHS!! (These are ADORABLE) :)  We also looked at various bird species, crocodiles (who were hibernating), snakes, spiders, otters (very cute and clever), meerkats, White tigers (VERY rare) and white lions.
     A lunch was needed. It was decided that after lunch we would go to the caves. You could take 2 tours. We went on the adventure tour ( the better one). It was like some big secret passage and we had a VERY enthusiastic tour guide. She made it so cool for us. We made our way back to home. On the way we saw snow on the pass and by the mountains.
It was really beautiful! And so we reached the end of our trip.The next week we just 'chilled' at home. Then, the real special came :) My brothers daughter came to stay with us while they went to the really cool Hillsong Conference in Sydney. we have had sooo much fun with her! She is busy and FULL of energy! But that doesnt stop her from being cute ;)
So I bet you can see why this holiday has been so great for us! Thank you Jesus :) ^-^

5 Best uses for a Laptop :)

Laptops can be pretty useful! So what are the 5 Best Uses? (not in ranking order)

1) Projects! Tackle any hard work or project with just a click of a button..
2) Friends. Email, Twitter, Facebook, you name it!
3)Notes. sometimes we need to jot something down real quick. Sooo..grab your laptop and use the "Pop-up Note" system.
4) Research. Type in any possible question to Google and receive an INSTANT answer!
5) Web-cam. Skype, photos or videos can come to your laptop screen!

How cool are laptops?? Answer: Simply amazing!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Moving Movies :)

Sometimes good movies can be sad. For instance 'I am sam' , 'Dear John' , 'Pearl Harbour' , 'Marley and Me' and 'My Sisters Keeper'. They give an insight about real-life-happenings. Even though you cry your eyes out, they are really brilliant, moving and touching movies. They give a whole new perspective on some things in life. In 'I am Sam', I felt so incredibly bad. I mean, here this guy is, he just wants to raise his daughter and give her the best life. Yet everyone keeps getting impatient with him. I was so angry when her mom left him. How can people DO that!? But then I realised. If she hadnt done it, nothing in the movie would be the same. In 'Dear John' at the part where he reads to his dad, I tried so hard to keep my tears in. After a while it got too bad. Tears just rolled down my cheeks without me even doing anything. :( I guess they probably make the movies for us to cry. But it's okay. They help you realise some things about certain things in life. The message in the movies is what makes them so sad, yet so special ^-^

Monday, June 28, 2010

Musically musical

Many people in the world today, play an instrument. Guitars, pianos, violins and recorders are some really popular instruments.

I play the guitar. Before I started lessons, I had no clue what was going on in the world of guitars. I mean you could've given me a book anytime but a guitar?? No ways!! Hahaha! I was clueless. Now I could've smacked myself. It is really the simplest thing. I love it! It is so fun! ^-^

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Wake up World!!

"For God so loved the world that He gave his only Son."

Why not show Him how much we love Him by looking after His creations.

Tree True!

Everyday, people cut down trees for absolutley no reason (deforestation). They dont care that a few thousand little animals lose their homes in every tree. All they care about is more (unnecsesary) space. It's sad. God created earth and people just ruin it. He wants us to look after this stunning planet that we live on. Caring for it is one of many ways to respect God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

Nature is so beatiful! They say that there is a possibility that there are life forms on other planets in other galaxies. When I heard this, I thought : "Cool, I wonder what those people look like..:)" Then, I got a rude awakening. If there is more life out there, in that wonder of space, there is no way that any human could ever reach there. You'd have to live until you are 1500 years old or something.

The point is, that earth is our only home. So hey! Why not look after it and ensure that in 70 years time, we will actually have water left over ^-^

School :)

3 words. I love school. School is just so fun! I love writing and reading (although the books take forever to finish when I could be reading it in a day) and stationery. Since we have to go to school almost everyday, why not make it fun with pens and pencils and cute geometry sets. I don't do the best at school but I am pretty happy with my marks. I guess that's what makes it so fun. Doing well. My favourite subjects are English, Art and Science. People say that I draw and paint really well but the art teacher doesn't seem to think so. There is always competition in the art class..you know? The teacher is really nice though. Science? Well, the reason I like it is because I fully understand it. I get the fact that molecules have ore energy when heated up and that the heat cant escape at night when there are clouds. English?? It's just fun..But thats school for ya! Fun, fun, fun ^-^

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Rainy days :)

Cmon? Who doesn't love a good rainy day? It is like the perfect opportunity to read! Especially a good mystery. Nancy Drew will do it for me. It's this feeling that makes you want to read. To sit back and relax with something scary in one hand and something yummy in the other! Rainy days only have only one bad thing. Mud. But hey! Put on some boots and grab your coat and umbrella. You'll be ready to go outside in no time. On rainy days, a good minestrone soup will always work. I am a minestrone freak! It's the one time that I eat vegetables. It's relaxing to hear the showers of rain outside. It's holiday, so I can just and stare outmy window at the beauty of the mist. How gorgeous. It's amazing out there in nature. We just never take the time to appreciate it..^-^

Routine Change!

Ok this is crazy..I'm not liking this weekly thing..I'm going to have daily subjects from now on. Its much better. Or they can be scattered. Whichever.. Well then.. todays subject is rainy days!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Not so UGly :)

Pink, purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, black, brown, beige..you name it! These shoes come in ALL colors and patterns. We all wear them in Winter. From the cheap street ones to the most expensive Billabong brands. They go perfectly with skinny jeans and leggings. Imagine this..A long-sleeve T-Shirt with tight, skinny jeans and a loose jersey. Then to top it all off, a pair of these! In sky Blue? Wow! Oh and a pair of earrings! If you are a girl, this is like the best, most comfortable, most fashionable pair of shoes ever! I only have 2 pairs but only 2 pairs is enough! They go with literally everything! So, can you guess what I was writing about? (NB heading!!)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Super Slippers!

Wait! Lost a shoe!

"Wait a second! Lost my shoe!" Sound familiar?? :D It sure does to me! I used to have this really cute pair of slip-in shoes that I wore all the time. They were comfy, so I put them on. Yet, they constantly slipped out. It's weird how, no matter how annoying a clothing item will be, we still want to wear it. It's funny, actually :) You grow a bond with your clothes. This makes it hard to throw them out or give them away. Most of my clothes got to my little cousin. Sometimes (when we see each other) I look at her outfit and think : "Hey! That was mine at a stage!" Anyway, my friend as given me some 'ballet' advice. " You have to LIFT your feet!" I think though, when you are wearing slip-ins, this is not the best theory ^-^

Supawr Shoes :)

Addidog- The worlds cutest doggy trend company :) Everyone loves their dog..that's for sure. And if I'm not mistaken, we want what's best for them. So we all buy them clothes and cute little name tags, collars, leashes etc. But one thing that is common with dogs is shoes..or booties. Sure, they are adorable and they make people stare at your puppy but are you sure that's what the dogs want? I mean, yeah it IS very cute, I'm not going to argue but maybe next time we should listen to our pets and figure out what they think...^-^

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Blog-Book :)

I officially made myself a book for weekly blogging ideas..so I'll always have something to blog about ^-^


Ok..everybody knows that high heels...or as my dear friend once called it: Hee Highls, are pretty, but painful. How Hollywood stars can walk around with this HUGE grin on their faces is absolutley beyond me. I once went to a "Hollywood Party" and my feet were already killing me the moment I arrived! Luckily, I had the advantage to eventually take them off and run around barefoot but I am sure if you do that at a real Hollywood party, your name will be on all that can be called a newspaper. So, dont feel left out when in pain with high heels, because Hollywood stars probably go around saying "Hahahaha - Ouch! My feet!" , every 10 minutes. So it's ok.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Theme info :)

I know this has nothing to do with my current theme but I need to post it. Just wanna say that my themes for blogging come weekly. For instance this week is shoes. If I/you get bored of a theme, I will change it :) Just let me know :)Oh! And for every new theme, I will add a pic or change the background ^-^

Comfy Shoes :)

I am, like many other girls, a 'shoe-girl'. Definition: A girl who owns about 50 or more pairs of shoes. I like my shoes. In fact, I like shoes in general. They make a statement about you and they complete an outfit. So naturally, every fashion princess needs glamorous shoes. Now there is a very important 'dont' in shoes. Never wear the wrong outfit with your shoes. For example, a long evening gown that sparkles like a million stars, with your black sneakers...No, no,no...like wearing pink with maroon, it simply can't be done. ^-^


Ok, last week Bafana played like their behinds...but then, they didnt get much support either. People started walking out at the last minute, being very disloyal :( Tip: Even if your team is sinking worse than the titanic..dont leave them. Be polite and show your manners :) Today though, Bafana is playing wonderfully! I am sure we have a chance to make the semi-finals :D So wave your flag guys:) Oh oh oh oh oh :)